Affirmations For Motivation

Affirmations For Motivation

Empowering yourself with Affirmations   My body is the outer shell that protects the most intimate parts of my being. My spirit and soul play a large part in forming my character. Having inborn determination is a blessing because external factors are unable to...
7 Inspiring Ways to Maintain Your Motivation

7 Inspiring Ways to Maintain Your Motivation

 How To Stay Motivated When Life Gets Busy When it comes to getting things accomplished, motivation can be hard to come by. Yet, motivation is exactly what is needed. A small amount of motivation is required to do small, simple things, like brushing your teeth. Bigger...
Nature inspires me to maintain inner beauty

Nature inspires me to maintain inner beauty

  I am in Tuscany for the Summer; when I look out my bedroom window, I marvel at how effortlessly beautiful the elements of nature are. I recognize how easy it is for birds and flowers to provide beauty. Their foundation originates from a pure, magnificent...