Sharing the love from clients




Heather S. Online Presence Consultant

Before working with Alex, I knew a little bit about manifestation, abundance mindset but I struggled to put it all together and hadn’t really considered it for my business. After joining Alex’s group call, I felt really positive, I saw some abundance come my way in my business so I booked in for a 1:1 obviously. (In case you’re on the fence, this stuff works!)
Our session was great, it was full of emotion, hope,  lots of encouragement & support. I really felt the love. I also feel like I have shifted something energy wise.  Since working with Alex financial opportunities have opened up that I had never even considered. It feels like I have done so much work in my business and the results are finally coming, it’s almost as if the shift in me has opened me up to receiving the abundance I was craving.
Alex’s energy is magnetic: she has such a unique way of looking at things that really resonated with me. She is an absolute dream to work with, there are no false promises just kindness and encouragement to dream big because you deserve it!
If activating your personal abundance code is something you’ve been thinking about, then I highly recommend working with Alex.
Next stop…my superyacht!



Natasha H, Soul-aligned business coach

I came to Alex to help me move through some challenging feelings in relation to money after I made a significant investment that wasn’t aligned with my values.
With her healing approach, she led me to an empowering position where I reconnected with money as an abundant, limitless resource.
Alex is a deeply intuitive guide. She senses into your subtle energetic changes and energy that needs to be cleared, leaving you re-grounded and open to exciting new possibilities.



Ngarene S

Thank you for the amazing Shamanic Journey you did for me. I’ve relocated to another country & was in a fog about what direction to go. Shamanic Guidance will often activate our energy and thought process and sets off a momentum. I’ve been contacted by a Holistic Centre with the most DIVINE space and an offer of a part-time job at a photographic studio. Suddenly it all fell into place.



Pamela Francis

I just wanted you to know you are fabulous! I also just wanted to thank you for helping facilitate the clarity on the September Full moon.
Anyway, this past year spend with you had been wonderful.  I’ve recently accepted a full-time position.
Feeling very full these days.



William Sabal

I had a distant Shamanic healing session with Alex and the feeling was absolutely phenomenal.  She has touched so many points of my life that I’m going through right now.  I feel like all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.  I’m so grateful for her healing work and I’d definitely recommend her Shamanic healing sessions.



Gina M | Australia

I absolutely love joining Alex’s Witchuals.  The sessions are always so nurturing, aligning, and grounding.  I consistently leave the sessions feeling nourished!  The best way to describe it, it’s a feeling of wonderful expansiveness!



Jatsume Gainza

Alex came into my life like a fresh breeze in the middle of the mountain.  Just in time when I needed the most.  I was wondering about why and how I arrived with this sadness and victimism about my wealth…and the lecture of my archetypes, well…she opened my eyes.  I’m doing steps toward modifying my conduct and my energy with more coherence.  Alex is a sweet and strong sorceress…I really feel her energy even before the reading…it was a happy surprise to me.  Alex, thank you so much for my reading.



Yvonne Pin

I had a 1:1 consultation with Alex about Money Archetype. I was curious to learn more about the money subject and learn how I could improve myself to overcome certain limiting beliefs.  First I took a test to see which personality I would fall into and after she gave me personalised advice based on the results.  Thanks to her guidance, my eyes were opened to the true impact of my thinking around wealth creation and since our session together positive things have started manifesting in my life in terms of success and income.  I can therefore highly recommend Alex to anyone looking to shift to a new place of limitless abundance and wealth!



Sarah M | UK

Alex put me at ease straight away with her smile and energy. I felt very comfortable with her during our session. Alex’s high energy during our session was perfect for creating the rising of energy I needed for the things I was calling in. Through the movements, music and direction from Alex, I felt expansive and it gave me the confidence I was after.



Valerie N | Canada

What a great QF session I’ve been blessed to receive from Alex a few days ago!
I absolutely loved the way she lead me through the practice, being raw and real, checking in with where I was at that moment in time in my life, what I needed to release and what was my intention for this flow.
The whole session went at a good pace, she reminded me several times of my intention which really helped me embody it more. “
What I love about Alex is her energy and her ability to support us in embodying our intention and also releasing what no longer serve us, this was so good! Thank you Alex!!



Naureen K | UK

I had a beautiful Quantum Flow session with Alex which really helped me to shift energy within my body.  I felt a lot of heat and energy move during the session and afterwards I felt lighter and energised.  The session helped me to be aware of and connect with my body.  I enjoyed releasing energy in different ways using movement, breath and sound and I really liked that I had the option of setting my own pace while Alex held a supportive and loving space.  Her instructions were clear and perfectly timed for my pace.  Thanks Alex for leading an amazing session ?



Michael R | Israel

After doing few amazing Quantum Flow sessions with Alex, I definitely can say that she is an amazing teacher!
I feel supported, guided, and free while practicing with her.?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!



Mel | Scotland

Thank you for my amazing healing session today with Alex, as you were just saying there is no space that cannot be touched and healed, whether is a face to face or at distance. You are so gifted and it was such an amazing healing. I still can’t believe all the stuff you touched on and that resonated with me at all levels. I am still buzzing from the whole session. Thank you, all my love and gratitude.”



Gina Mendoza | Australia

“My one week doing activate your wealth with Alex was amazing! I felt incredibly expansive right from the start of that week. I have increased motivation and clarity about what I’m doing. Oh, and I’ve got some clients wanting to join my new program. I’m going to continue working with Alex because if that’s what happened in only one week, I’m so excited to keep growing with Alex’s healing powers and her incredibly therapeutic training!”



Elizabeth C. | Jersey

Alex did a Theta healing session with my Mum after my Mum had been diagnosed with a serious illness. My mum was amazed at how ‘spot on’ Alex was in understanding who she is as a person and she picked up on things that had happened many years earlier in her life despite not knowing anything about her before the session. My Mum felt really uplifted after the session and really looks forward to a weekly session with Alex to help her heal and return to full health. I am so excited for my Mum to continue receiving healing from Alex as she helps her to release what doesn’t serve her and to evolve as an amazing woman throughout this journey.



Angelica Rose | New York

Before working with Alex, I was so stuck. I had major blockages, preventing me having the love and success I craved. She cleared it all out, deeper than any other healer I have ever worked with. She gave me the ability to full integrate back with my truth- love. Alex is such a sweet, mindful, committed, and wise soul. She made me feel safe, supported, not judged, and created a sacred space for me to heal and let it all go. She is an incredible healer. I am so grateful to have connected with her. We traveled deep into my past and rewrote stories I had created when I was a child. I felt a weight lifted off my back, near my heart. Now, I feel like my body is beaming with light and my etheric angel wings are big and outstretched. I’m ready for love and success, all thanks to Alex. Investing in Alex will change your life.



Pierre W. | Geneva

I have known Alex for quite some time, I have always considered her as a good friend even our life took us in different direction and even if we now live in different countries.
I reached to Alex at a moment where various events both in my personal and professional life collided and led to an unbearable situation which took my brain in a tailspin. I put myself in the expert hands of Alex during online sessions. With a few simple questions, she forced to sort out my thought, help put in perspective the various problems I wanted and needed to solve. Alex was able to make easy for me to open to her my darkest fears and talk openly about them. She made me realise that I had all the solutions to my problems. I am extremely grateful to Alex for helping me heal and I highly recommend her services. Best regards.



Sebastiano A. | Milano

Before starting to work with Alex I was feeling anxious, confused in life and very much under pressure in my new top position in a leading American company.
During the sessions with Alex I really felt heard, vulnerable and safe. After each session, I was feeling good and always better and better.
One of my main achievements has been to be able to ground and centre myself, give myself permission to focus on what I think of me rather than giving power to what others may think of me.
As a result, I gained hip loads more confidence and I now have clear and strong objectives.
Alex truly differentiate herself from other coaches by her talents to listen, her practical steps and spot on intuition. She knows where to stand, how to guide you, how to push (or not) in the best possible way while keeping her guidance gentle and soft. She keeps you on path, connected to your goals.
Working with Alex has allowed me to create amazing results: I gained assertiveness, confidence, I perform better at work, I am a better husband and father. I also have more time to take care of my physical self and keep my energy high. Bye bye anxiety, welcome new me. If you are offered a chance to work with Alex, don’t hesitate, take it!



Timothy | Georgia (US)

Receiving healing from Alex is one of the most awe-inspiring experiences I’ve had. Her gentle yet exquisitely clear and articulate guidance I can only compare to what it must feel like to walk inside yourself and have a conversation with your own innermost self like a best friend. I was amazed by how she intuitively hit the nail on the head, moment by moment, point by point, as if she were experiencing my own thoughts and emotions right alongside me. Alex opened the door to the part of myself I hadn’t seen since I was a small child; My rawest most vulnerable and yet beautiful nature. She effortlessly lead me through the various passages of my life, and wherever there was confusion, or difficulty, her light loosened and untangled the knots of my own psyche that were too dark, complex or close to home for me to accurately see for myself. Both Alex’s wise words and presence are soothing and medicinal. I’ve no doubt she is a natural healer, and her particular style and approach to her work is of an altogether new and groundbreaking caliber.


Mel | Scotland

Thank you for my amazing healing session today with Alex, as you were just saying there is no space that cannot be touched and healed, whether is a face to face or at distance. You are so gifted and it was such an amazing healing. I still can’t believe all the stuff you touched on and that resonated with me at all levels. I am still buzzing from the whole session. Thank you, all my love and gratitude.”


Elizabeth C. | Jersey

Alex did a Theta healing session with my Mum after my Mum had been diagnosed with a serious illness. My mum was amazed at how ‘spot on’ Alex was in understanding who she is as a person and she picked up on things that had happened many years earlier in her life despite not knowing anything about her before the session. My Mum felt really uplifted after the session and really looks forward to a weekly session with Alex to help her heal and return to full health. I am so excited for my Mum to continue receiving healing from Alex as she helps her to release what doesn’t serve her and to evolve as an amazing woman throughout this journey.


Angelica Rose | New York

Before working with Alex, I was so stuck. I had major blockages, preventing me having the love and success I craved. She cleared it all out, deeper than any other healer I have ever worked with. She gave me the ability to full integrate back with my truth- love. Alex is such a sweet, mindful, committed, and wise soul. She made me feel safe, supported, not judged, and created a sacred space for me to heal and let it all go. She is an incredible healer. I am so grateful to have connected with her. We traveled deep into my past and rewrote stories I had created when I was a child. I felt a weight lifted off my back, near my heart. Now, I feel like my body is beaming with light and my etheric angel wings are big and outstretched. I’m ready for love and success, all thanks to Alex. Investing in Alex will change your life.


Pierre W. | Geneva

I have known Alex for quite some time, I have always considered her as a good friend even our life took us in different direction and even if we now live in different countries.
I reached to Alex at a moment where various events both in my personal and professional life collided and led to an unbearable situation which took my brain in a tailspin. I put myself in the expert hands of Alex during online sessions. With a few simple questions, she forced to sort out my thought, help put in perspective the various problems I wanted and needed to solve. Alex was able to make easy for me to open to her my darkest fears and talk openly about them. She made me realise that I had all the solutions to my problems. I am extremely grateful to Alex for helping me heal and I highly recommend her services. Best regards.


Sebastiano A. | Milano

Before starting to work with Alex I was feeling anxious, confused in life and very much under pressure in my new top position in a leading American company.
During the sessions with Alex I really felt heard, vulnerable and safe. After each session, I was feeling good and always better and better.
One of my main achievements has been to be able to ground and centre myself, give myself permission to focus on what I think of me rather than giving power to what others may think of me.
As a result, I gained hip loads more confidence and I now have clear and strong objectives.
Alex truly differentiate herself from other coaches by her talents to listen, her practical steps and spot on intuition. She knows where to stand, how to guide you, how to push (or not) in the best possible way while keeping her guidance gentle and soft. She keeps you on path, connected to your goals.
Working with Alex has allowed me to create amazing results: I gained assertiveness, confidence, I perform better at work, I am a better husband and father. I also have more time to take care of my physical self and keep my energy high. Bye bye anxiety, welcome new me. If you are offered a chance to work with Alex, don’t hesitate, take it!


Timothy | Georgia (US)

Receiving healing from Alex is one of the most awe-inspiring experiences I’ve had. Her gentle yet exquisitely clear and articulate guidance I can only compare to what it must feel like to walk inside yourself and have a conversation with your own innermost self like a best friend. I was amazed by how she intuitively hit the nail on the head, moment by moment, point by point, as if she were experiencing my own thoughts and emotions right alongside me. Alex opened the door to the part of myself I hadn’t seen since I was a small child; My rawest most vulnerable and yet beautiful nature. She effortlessly lead me through the various passages of my life, and wherever there was confusion, or difficulty, her light loosened and untangled the knots of my own psyche that were too dark, complex or close to home for me to accurately see for myself. Both Alex’s wise words and presence are soothing and medicinal. I’ve no doubt she is a natural healer, and her particular style and approach to her work is of an altogether new and groundbreaking caliber.

Dr. Michael Lennox | LA (US)

When I first sat with Alex, I really didn’t have any idea what to expect, though I certainly felt drawn to the session, or I wouldn’t
have scheduled one. I’m delighted to say that Alex is the real deal. When it was over, I could feel that I had been worked on, and the experience of more openness has stayed with me since. Her intuitive guidance is strong as well, and I don’t always experience both an energetic gift and an intuitive gift in the same person. I recommend her without hesitation!”

Marina | Bali

I had a session with Alex after my bike accident. Alex is so intuitive; she saw exactly what was going on for me. She set a strong protection for my auric field and also taught me how to do it for myself. Also we were able to heal the issue around my insecurities and worries around my current situation in life. As a result, I was able to let go of my worries, feel much calmer and live in the moment, enjoying my life! Alex is very inspiring. She combines intuitive healing with coaching which works together amazinglye.